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Eleuthera Chamber wants ‘level playing field’ on reopening rules

The Nassau Guardian May 19, 2020

Eleutherans are feeling uncertain about their future given the government’s reopening rules and key performance indicators related to coronavirus (COVID-19) island lockdowns, which continues to keep the island under emergency protocols despite registering no COVID-19 cases, the Eleuthera Chamber of Commerce noted in a statement.

The Eleuthera Chamber stated that the government’s rules are unclear and seem to be inequitable across islands that are COVID-19 free.

“Today Eleuthera is feeling uncertain about its future,” the Eleuthera Chamber’s statement noted.

“We need a level playing field but we don’t really know the rules related to what it takes to reopen our economy.

“We understand the need for caution and the safeguarding of lives across the country in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic.”

The statement stressed that the government and businesses have to be on the “same page”, especially as businesses and livelihoods continue to be lost as Eleuthera’s lockdown continues.

“At this juncture, where we have been experiencing curfews and lockdowns for eight weeks, we all need to be on the same page and to understand the key performance indicators related to what islands get opened and what islands remain closed,” the statement pointed out.

“While we all remain concerned and would not want to see any further loss of life, it is important that those in authority also note that other serious losses are also taking place.

“Many Eleutherans have lost their livelihoods, many will lose their businesses and the mental anguish as a result of months of lockdowns may never be truly quantified.”

The Eleuthera Chamber noted that despite the situation and desperation being felt on the island,  it continues to share the details of the emergency orders with its members and continues to encourage them to follow those guidelines.

“We must have a definitive strategic plan to immediately move forward,” the Eleuthera Chamber stated. “The well-being of communities across this island is at stake.”

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