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Turnquest: Customs Click2Clear collects $800 million up to April


EyeWitness News Business June 9, 2020 at 3:53 am Natario McKenzie

NASSAU, BAHAMAS — Nearly 27,000 individual users and over 4,000 commercial entities have registered with Customs’ ‘Click2Clear’ system, which collected just over $800 million up to April of the current fiscal year. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance K Peter Turnquest yesterday said the Customs Modernization Program was designed to transform the old, antiquated administration system within the Customs Department, with a view to increase compliance, as well as revenue collections. “Under this program, the phased introduction of the new Electronic Single Window dubbed ‘Click2Clear’ has made clearing goods more efficient, and faster,” he said. “Last year we implemented a national public education campaign, including several stakeholder engagements to ensure all importers were registered on the system, and trained to use it properly. This campaign successfully registered 26,747 individual users on the system, and over 4,000 commercial entities.” Turnquest added: “Last fiscal year, Click2Clear processed over $1.0 billion in Government revenue for the Customs Department. Up to April of the current fiscal year, which factors in the impact of Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19, the system has collected just over $800 million.”

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